Armor is more than just a fashion accessory in Elden Ring, as it plays a vital role in keeping the player alive. Armor is divided into different weight classes according to their equip load. Each weight class includes a range of armors with distinct features. Heavy armor has the highest weight, but they have their benefits as they bring high damage negation and resistance to the table. But with a high equip load, players lose the ability to move swiftly.

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In Elden Ring, there are plenty of heavy armor sets available that players can invest in, but not everything that weighs more, performs better. Here are the heaviest armor sets that the Tarnished can check out when searching for some solid protection.
Updated January 29, 2025 by Erik Petrovich: The heaviest armor sets in Elden Ring vary quite a lot, and though many were introduced in the DLC, most are available in the base version of Elden Ring. Heavy armor sets don’t technically exist as a category in Elden Ring, but there are definitely some sets that will push your max equip load to its absolute limits (if not almost guarantee an Overencumbered effect). But to equip any of these best heavy armor Elden Ring sets, you’ll have to find them first – this guide to the heaviest armor sets in Elden Ring has been updated with more detailed information about how to get each set, as well as some minor updates to other information throughout.
Banished Knight Set
Armor Set Weight: 41.6
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 35.5 |
Immunity: 143 |
Magic: 26.5 |
Robustness: 197 |
Fire: 26.5 |
Focus: 91 |
Light: 25.6 |
Vitality: 160 |
Holy: 26.1 |
Poise: 72 |
The Banished Knight Set
is a heavyweight armor set known for its strong defensive ability. Because the armor is not extremely heavy, players can use it without having to invest as much of their stats in endurance. Despite being lighter than Lionel’s set, this set offers higher physical damage negation.
Unfortunately, the set cannot be obtained in one go. But once players obtain the entire set, they will realize that it was worth the time to obtain it.
How To Get The Banished Knight Set
To get the Banished Knight Set, Elden Ring players have to farm it by repeatedly killing the Banished Knights in the hope that they will drop the pieces of this set. Banished Knights can found both in the early and late game in Stormveil and Crumbling Farum Azula.
General Radahn Set
Armor Set Weight: 41.6
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 35.6 |
Immunity: 143 |
Magic: 25.6 |
Robustness: 235 |
Fire: 27.6 |
Focus: 100 |
Light: 24.9 |
Vitality: 91 |
Holy: 26.5 |
Poise: 72 |
Radahn is one of the most iconic bosses in Elden Ring, thanks to both the boss fight from the Radahn festival and his appearance. It is possible to cosplay as General Radahn with this set. The set is great in both utility and fashion, good in terms of both defensive stats and its appearance. The armor boasts superior robustness, allowing players to deal with Hemorrhage and Frostbite easily.
The set has similar stats to the Banished Armor set, but is a bit heavier than the latter and offers extra protection. It’s up to the player whether they are ready to sacrifice some weight for more defense stats.
How To Get The General Radahn Set
To get the General Radahn Set, Elden Ring players must defeat Starscourge Radahn in Caelid, then purchase each piece from Enia back at Roundtable Hold. It cost a total of 36,000 Runes to purchase the entire set.
Gaius Set
Armor Set Weight: 44.3
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 30.7 |
Immunity: 147 |
Magic: 26.9 |
Robustness: 181 |
Fire: 26.4 |
Focus: 116 |
Light: 26.4 |
Vitality: 116 |
Holy: 26.4 |
Poise: 75 |
Some of the best armor sets in Elden Ring are the ones that require players to put some effort in order to obtain them. Gaius’s set is one of them. Weighing at the lower end of the list, the set has good robustness, and it takes Slash and Piercing attacks well.

Elden Ring: 21 Best Armor To Negate Lightning Damage & Where To Find Them
Players who are keen on defending themselves from lightning damage in Elden Ring should don these useful armor sets.
While the set requires players to invest some points in endurance and fight a warrior riding atop of a boar, it is all worth it when players equip this set to deflect blows in The Lands Between.
How To Get The Gaius Set
To get the Gaius Set, Elden Ring players must defeat Commander Gaius, an optional boss in the DLC. This boss is one of several that can be found in the Shadow Keep – Gaius can be found beneath the Church District.
Tree Sentinel Set
Armor Set Weight: 45.0
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 35.5 |
Immunity: 159 |
Magic: 25.6 |
Robustness: 215 |
Fire: 32.9 |
Focus: 100 |
Light: 24.9 |
Vitality: 110 |
Holy: 27.6 |
Poise: 82 |
Everyone remembers the Tree Sentinel, since so many players got killed by them, especially when beginning their adventure in The Lands Between. The golden armor worn by Tree Sentinels, who serve the Erdtree, can be equipped by the players as well.
Boasting superior physical and magical defense, the armor has well-rounded stats in each category, making it useful in most situations.
How To Get The Tree Sentinel Set
To get the Tree Sentinel Set, Elden Ring players must destroy all three chariots in Auriza Hero’s Grave.
Veteran’s Set
Armor Set Weight: 45.0
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 35.5 |
Immunity: 150 |
Magic: 26.5 |
Robustness: 215 |
Fire: 27.6 |
Focus: 110 |
Light: 25.3 |
Vitality: 110 |
Holy: 26.1 |
Poise: 80 |
If there are any downsides to using the Veteran’s set in Elden Ring, they are hard to pinpoint. Featuring the best poise for its weight category, the Veteran’s set is a great choice for players.
Worn by Commander Niall, the veteran soldier of Sol, this set is almost identical to the Banished Knight set, with a few differences in terms of its appearance. When it comes to stats, though, it is an altogether different story. The Veteran’s Set is better than its similar-looking counterpart in almost every aspect.
How To Get The Veteran’s Set
To get the Veteran’s Set, Elden Ring players must defeat Commander Niall at the end of the Castle Sol legacy dungeon, then purchase each piece from Enia – it will cost a total of 18,000 Runes to purchase all four pieces.
Lionel’s Set
Armor Set Weight: 50.5
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 33.5 |
Immunity: 150 |
Magic: 26.5 |
Robustness: 235 |
Fire: 28.9 |
Focus: 100 |
Light: 25.6 |
Vitality: 100 |
Holy: 26.5 |
Poise: 86 |
Worn by Lionel the Lionhearted, Lionel’s set might not be the first pick for many players based off its looks. However, there is more to this set than meets the eye. Lionel’s set has extremely high poise, which allows players to hit through some enemy attacks.

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This distinctive armor is an excellent choice for melee players, offering high robustness that enhances its overall benefits. Along with decent magic negation stats, Lionel’s set is worth checking out when looking for something heavy and sturdy in Elden Ring.
How To Get The Lionel’s Set
To get the Lionel’s Set, Elden Ring players can find it on the body of Lionel on a bed near the Lower Capital Church Site of Grace, in Leyndell.
Omen Set
Armor Set Weight: 55.0
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 34.9 |
Immunity: 159 |
Magic: 25.6 |
Robustness: 150 |
Fire: 28.3 |
Focus: 135 |
Light: 28.9 |
Vitality: 181 |
Holy: 27.0 |
Poise: 91 |
The Omen is described as a vision of Dung Eater’s mind. Worn by Dung Eater himself, this armor looks hideous when equipped, but it compensates for its ghastly appearance with its numbers.
The Omen set boosts the damage of Omen Bairn and Regal Omen Bairn by 5% each. While the Omen set is not as good as some other heavyweight sets on this list, it is still a solid choice if players can overlook the fact that it looks like it is covered in feces.
How To Get The Omen Set
To get the Omen Set, Elden Ring players must defeat the Dung Eater in the Subterrarean Shunning Grounds, or complete his questline to find it on the body of the Dung Eater.
Solitude Set
Armor Set Weight: 57.1
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 35.6 |
Immunity: 143 |
Magic: 26.2 |
Robustness: 150 |
Fire: 28.3 |
Focus: 226 |
Light: 26.5 |
Vitality: 120 |
Holy: 27.1 |
Poise: 96 |
The Solitude set exudes the aura of a dark paladin, and provides exceptional protection too – it’s a fashionable and practical match made in heaven.
The set provides some of the highest Focus resistance in the game, making the wearer stronger against attacks that inflict sleep or madness. The armor is fashionable too, and if players can manage its weight, the set is a rock solid option when starting the DLC.
How To Get The Solitude Set
To get the Solitude Set, Elden Ring players must defeat the the Blackgaol Knight in the Western Nameless Mausoleum, which can be found at the beginning of the DLC’s Gravesite Plain area.
Fire Prelate Set
Armor Set Weight: 58.8
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 36.5 |
Immunity: 159 |
Magic: 26.5 |
Robustness: 150 |
Fire: 37.4 |
Focus: 215 |
Light: 25.6 |
Vitality: 120 |
Holy: 26.2 |
Poise: 96 |
This armor won’t make it into Elden Ring’s fashion hall of fame, but it can save the lives of players under difficult circumstances. Despite being ugly, the Fire Prelate set offers great defensive stats, particularly against fire.
The poise on this armor is almost as good as the Bull Goat set, with solid physical and magical damage negation properties. With its solid stats, the armor gives the players an upper edge in battles against both gods and other players.
How To Get The Fire Prelate Set
To get the Fire Prelate Set, Elden Ring players must either defeat Fire Prelate enemies for a chance to drop each piece, or defeat two specific Fire Prelates for guaranteed drops: the Fire Prelate in the Mountaintops of Giants’ Guardian’s Garrison, and the Fire Prelate in Fort Laiedd beneath Mount Gelmir.
Verdigris Armor Set
Armor Set Weight – 61.6
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 38.5 |
Immunity: 207 |
Magic: 26.5 |
Robustness: 245 |
Fire: 26.3 |
Focus: 81 |
Light: 28.3 |
Vitality: 115 |
Holy: 26.2 |
Poise: 100 |
Verdirgis Armor set is a brand-new armor set that comes from the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. This armor set has raised the bar, overtaking the Bull-Goat set for some players as the best choice for heavyweight armor in the game.

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The Verdigris armor set comes with 100 poise and great defensive stats. The set mainly focuses on immunity and robustness, and handles slash attacks exceptionally well. With similar stats under less weight than the Bull Goat, players must keep their eyes open for this set.
How To Get The Verdigris Armor Set
To get the Verdigris Armor Set, Elden Ring players must kill Moore in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, or find it on his body after the Leda fight or on his body near the Church of the Crusade.
Bull Goat Set
Armor Set Weight: 63.0
Damage Negation |
Resistance |
Physical: 38.505 |
Immunity: 170 |
Magic: 26.174 |
Robustness: 197 |
Fire: 26.501 |
Focus: 110 |
Light: 28.989 |
Vitality: 130 |
Holy: 25.352 |
Poise: 99.99 |
When it comes to protection from enemy attacks, the Bull Goat set is one of the finest choices the players can make. However, it is the heaviest armor in the game.
With solid physical and magical damage negation, the Bull Goat set stands strong between the Tarnished and enemy attacks. Covering its wearer with a pair of giant horns, this armor has a massive poise of 99.99, which makes this armor impervious to the mightiest attacks.
The Bull Goat set has the highest poise and physical defense of all armors available in the game. While the Tarnished can’t move quickly while wearing it, they will thank this set once they face the countless adversities awaiting them in The Lands Between.
How To Get The Bull Goat Set
To get the Bull Goat set, Elden Ring players must defeat Great Horned Tragoth as part of the final mission for Patches after unlocking the Volcano Manor.

- Released
February 25, 2022