Episode Revenant in Destiny 2 presents various bugs and problems. It highlights the need for improvement in future updates.
Exotic quest Kell's Fall provides a new Shotgun Slayer's Fang, but the catalyst must be completed repeatedly.
Destiny 2's upcoming Episode Heresy should rethink the way Exotic missions are treated. To improve player experience and engagement
One could argue that Episode Revenant is one of the most important releases for Destiny 2 – Not necessarily for new gameplay and additions, but because of the way Revenant receives and based on player feedback, there are many bugs in the game. Some points still exist. while other points It has been fixed over time. Among Episode's other problems is the infamous Tonic system. Destiny 2It still feels unrewarding and inconsistent even after multiple runs through Bungie, which is why the company should use Revenant as a springboard to avoid the issues players are talking about in the future. Including the problems that come with the exotic missions of Act 3.
Revenant adds its own unique quest in the form of Kell's Fall in. Destiny 2This takes players to Fikrul's fortress. Here Guardians can pick up a new Exotic shotgun, Slayer's Fang, which uses the same formula as previous games from other Exotic missions, in the sense that it can only be crafted once the form is unlocked. Upon the first completion of Kell's Fall, even more so. Players can complete missions multiple times to unlock different Catalysts for weapons. But this formula has proven to be almost indispensable.

Destiny 2 made big quality of life changes in the Heresy episode.
Bungie confirmed some quality of life changes in Destiny 2 when Episode Heresy launches in February. In an effort to improve the game
Destiny 2's unique Kell's Fall mission is history repeating itself.
while Destiny 2's Exotic Slayer's Fang is a nice addition to a player's arsenal, and while Kell's Fall is a well-designed and entertaining mission in its own right, Forcing players to complete Exotic missions over and over again just to unlock Catalysts is something that should stop being a sin. It's no secret that Revenant fails in the game, which is due to a number of factors, such as perk weight conflicts, Tonics not working properly, weapons being sparse and impossible to craft, and so on.
Why should Destiny 2's Sins take a different approach to new missions and catalysts?
What follows is Destiny 2's Heresy needs to make some nice changes to the game's tried-and-true formula, and creating Exotic Catalysts from Exotic missions in the order they can be obtained at once would be a good place to start. Because there is an internal tendency Destiny 2 To create things that are made by having players go through the same missions and other content over and over to get what they want or need for their creation. This method can be dangerous. Because instead of making players want to play again This game was created with them wanting to.
Exotic Missions is one of many examples that fall into this category. This is because it is designed with gated content that is unlocked over several weeks with only minor mission customizations. To give players a new Catalyst, Kell's Fall is a nice new quest. Destiny 2It also includes some unique elements with the Scorgan instrument and how Guardians can play it. This encourages fans to Compose your own melody on your instrument while filming. or even play popular songs on the instrument. This makes this mission even more unique and memorable.
But having to go through Kell's Fall multiple times can reduce the rewards from magic and relevance. And the same thing has happened in the past with other Exotic missions. The solution is to allow Heresy's Exotic missions, let's say one mission, to complete all of the various Catalysts for the respective weapons in a single mission. It offers players other rewards if they play multiple times. Destiny 2The change to the Festival of the Lost armor set, which makes armor that loses community votes available at a later date, is proof that Bungie is listening to player feedback. Therefore, there is hope that Exotic Mission will undergo this much-needed improvement.