Destiny 2 fans have a lot of complaints about the story of the game.


  • Fate 2 Fans are not happy with sending the content of the story due to lack of interesting storytelling and cutting scenes.

  • Some players in the community want Bungie to use a new way to tell the DESTINY 2 with less cutting scenes and less NPC dialogue.

  • Other fans believe that the structure at that time lost the potential of Destiny Universe and many characters.

fortune Fans are disappointed and unhappy with sending content for Fate 2 In the past few months Many players want to see the story to be resolved instead of being told about the event and fortune History through NPC dialogue while other Fate 2 Fans believe that the story is lacking in storytelling and cutting scenes that focus on: Heresy.

After launching Destiny 2's Last shape The expansion of Bungie began to tell a new story after the defeat of the witness defeated the story of Fate 2 Is being told in the season, which has seasonal content distributed within three actions and weekly updates The topic of the episode is debated in the community because many players believe that its structure is similar to the previous season.


Destiny 2 fans want Osteo Striga Nerf back.

More than half a year later, Destiny 2 fans still hope that Bungie will return to Nerf. Previously, one of the likes of the community.

REDDIT CRAFTY_TRICK_7300 Shared ideas and complaints about sending content in the story recently Fate 2Commented that they were bored of hearing NPCS talk about the success of players or people in other history. fortune The universe. Crafty_trick_7300 wants to see Bungie approached the new method of sending the storytelling content without “Dizzy words” from NPCS or how to tell “of the game” DON'T SHOW “. How to” players are not satisfied that Bungie has resources to create animation and cutting scenes in the game, but the NPC of many games speaks. Talk to the players at a fixed point. crafty_trick_7300 Also noted that they have seen “Live Service Indie Games” with better stories Fate 2Although Bungie has resources under the umbrella of Sony.

Destiny 2 fans are not happy with the story of the game and how to tell stories with NPCS.

Many players in Fate 2 The community about Reddit seems to agree with the confidence of CRAFTY_TRICK_3000 and some fans talk about the problems they have with the story after the launch of Destiny 2: Lightfall Expanding others feel tired of the story of Fate 2And believe that the current structure is wasted fortune Many universe and characters

Destiny 2's Codeename: Frontiers may bring important changes to the structure of the story and delivery. But the important details that fans want to know that it has not been revealed by Bungie on February 4. Fate 2 Will head to the first performance of the episode: Herey, who saw the player back to Dreadnaught from loved ones Destiny: The Taken King The expansion: Herey will introduce a new activity called “The Nether”, a new weapon and equipment. Star Wars, new digestive aspects and many more. Three days later, Dungeon principles of Sundered will open. On February 7, more details about Codeename: Frontiers can be revealed in the episode: HERSY, which will be done three such as episodes: Revenant.

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