Deep Rock Galactic inspires gamers to pursue fierce new careers.

Important points

  • Playing Deep Rock Galactic inspires one fan to become a bomb digger
  • Three years later, he credits this choice with helping him completely turn his life around.
  • Becoming a real-life miner also gives players a deeper understanding of Deep Rock Galactic's inspiration.

one deep rock galaxy Recently, a fan shared an amazing story about how the game inspired him to pursue a career in mining. Years later, players still view this decision fondly and credit it. deep rock galaxy That helped him completely change his life.

Developed by Ghost Ship Games from Denmark. deep rock galaxy It's a co-op shooter for up to four players. Since its launch in 2020, the game has been a huge success, with PlayTracker and Gamalytic estimating that lifetime sales on Steam alone will reach seven million units as of the end of 2024.


Deep Rock Galactic gets its own real-life beer glass

Developer Ghost Ship Games wants to officially launch its line of Deep Rock Galactic beer glasses. But needs help from fans In doing so

Among the millions of people who bought deep rock galaxy Over the years, Reddit Bulk-Detonator users Also known as Mat, his experience with the game was extraordinary, not least because deep rock galaxy It inspired him to become a true miner. This happened around 2021, when Mat said he was at a low point in his life, stuck in a “dead end job” and suffering from low self-esteem. That's when he found out. deep rock galaxywhich acts as an escape Several months later He came across job listings for rock drilling and explosives mining training. which made him ponder: “Wouldn't it be funny to make a video game IRL?” as he recalled in a recent Reddit post, this turned out to be a life-changing decision. This helps him earn more. Lose a lot of weight and happier overall

In an interview with GamesRadar+ Mat revealed that his team's daily responsibilities include drilling dozens, if not hundreds, of holes throughout the mine. Pump the semi-liquid bomb full, cover with rocks, and detonate when everyone is at a safe distance. The goal is to create gravel by breaking rocks. To provide materials used for asphalt, concrete or drainage. Among other uses, Mat is currently still a drilling apprentice. But hopes to be promoted to a full driller position in the near future. “I just came in blind. And in the end it was not only a good job for me. But I also have an incredible passion for this work,” he said.

Real-life mining inspired much of Deep Rock Galactic.

Matt's new career makes him realize that the world of… deep rock galaxy It borrowed more from real-life mining than he initially thought, for example the Glyphid Bulk Detonator monster appeared to be named after the large explosives used in mining. In the same way Spiders that are mostly attracted to rocks actually exist in real life. They're not as big as the monsters found in Ghost Ship's hit co-op game, though.

I just came in blind. And in the end it was not only a good job for me. But I'm also incredibly passionate about it.

As for his gaming habits Matt is still playing. Dr Whenever he can It is estimated that he has logged over 900 hours into the game, although he has now played every class. But he focused on deep rock galaxy's Driller—a choice that seemed appropriate for his current profession. which he credits with completely changing his life.

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