Best Orichalcum Vein Location

Important points

  • Orichalcum nodes provide valuable metal crafting materials in Guild Wars 2.
  • Collecting rich orichalcum nodes every day with vehicles and stealth skills can accumulate wealth.
  • Fertile nodes spawn in these specific locations throughout Tyria, protected by powerful enemies.

The highest level metal crafting material in Guild Wars 2Orichalcum is a rare and expensive mineral used to make weapons and armor. Along with other farms like hemp seeds, selling stacks every day can help amass a small fortune in gold, although they can be found all over the world. Including a variety of varieties Orichalcum Nodes are limited and spawn sporadically throughout Tyria. However, there are a handful of fertile nodes that can be mined once a day and are guaranteed to appear in the same location.


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“Path of Fire” is required to get all these nodes. As with PoF's vehicle movement capabilities, all nodes can be found with expansion packs. But Season 4's Sky Level will make collecting that much easier. Gathering is always easier with the invisibility skill, and thieves, mesmers, or engineers (who specialize in scrapers) are perfect candidates for underground mining activities.

Crystal Oasis – Southern suburb of Amnoon, Vulture Den.

In the condor cave on the outskirts of the city.

  • Recommended mount: Roller Beetle and Griffin

Starting at the Amnoon Waypoint, head out of the eastern gate and head southeast. Up on the stone platform on the far right of the stone wall is the entrance to a mining area with some experienced vultures.

Dispatch them or avoid them and find the abundant orichalcum node on the right hand side. In addition to these relatively wealthy nodes nearby, There is also a single orichalcum node. There are many in and around Amnoon, but unlike the nodes they are protected by vultures in the mines. Locations throughout the desert vary.

Crystal Oasis – Fate Gorge

Climb up and enter the mine holding the Forge.

  • Recommended mount: Sand fox

Start at Destiny's Gorge Waypoint, head north. Follow the river and turn right. Head up the ramp and head left at the top. Enter a minefield full of powerful Forged enemies. Follow the rising tramway and head left.

At the end of this track is a fertile orichalcum node. After collecting all the ores Try picking up the quartz crystal that can be found nearby. Another side of the cave with sky level This makes it easy to reach the abundant quartz crystal node above the smelter mine above and to the west.

Crystal Oasis – Elona Reich, Cormier Temple

You can see the temple at the base of the tree.

  • Recommended mount: Skyscale & Sprinkler

From the circular platform surrounding the Temple of Kormir Waypoint, run north. with sky level Climb directly to the cliff using the village buildings. If there are no skyscrapers Take the road east and turn back up and head west.


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Watch out for the fake traps and snipers at the top. Because they can quickly attack the best of them. Guild Wars 2 Players leave their beautiful vehicles. A large tree overlooking the Temple of Kormir, guarded by experienced Dust Mite twisters, hides rich orichalcum nodes.

Highland Desert – High Jump Ranch

Jumping and flying short distances from the ranch.

  • Recommended mount: Gryphon or Skyscale

This abundant orichalcum node can be found east of Highjump Ranch from the waypoint. Climb as high as possible before departing by air to the south. Second step In addition to the long plateau It is also protected by experienced Sri Trang trees.

Ton Sri Trang can control crowds and can group quickly. But behind the tree they guarded, there were fertile nodes. Sometimes a single orichalcum may be found in the upper plateau.

Highland Desert – Brightwater

Excavation in the middle of a mushroom plateau

  • Recommended mount: Springer or Griffon

On the world map, this abundant orichalcum node looked attractive near the Brightwater waypoint. But there is a vertical climb between that point and the prize. The best route is north. Go up the steep ledge, then backtrack and find a way to jump onto the mushroom-like platform.

The larger of the two has complete nodes. But it is protected by a skilled Twister Dust Mite. Dispatch it and begin mining. With vehicles that can fly like the sky You can walk along the narrow plain. North to the fertile Orichalcum Point. If not, it will fly from Highjump Farm.

The Desolation – The Sand Jackel's Run

On walkable terrain

  • Recommended mount: Skimmer

Running to this vein is relatively easy, but worms, bugs, and Awakened patrols can make collecting difficult. From the Sand Jackel Run Waypoint, head east across the sulfur on the paddle board to a dark dome.


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The dome on the map shows a floating tower. and there is an orichalcum vein at the bottom. Worms will fire missiles from a distance. and other enemies In that area it can be fatal. There is also a regular orichalcum node to the north that is worth investigating.

The Desolation – Nest of the Forgotten

Go up around the corner from the snake den.

  • Recommended mount: Raptor

From the Lair of the Forgotten Waypoint, head northeast along the valley beyond the gate. Take the winding road towards the sulfur pond but keep to the left.

Rich orichalcum veins stood on the black rocky mountainside. There will be a seasoned sand eel or ghost hyena to take care of the prize.

Desolation – Bonestrand

The secret behind the great waterfall

  • Recommended mount: Skimmer and Sand Jack (required)

Start at the Bonestrand Waypoint at the top of The Desolation Against the Bone Wall across from the Elon Riverlands. Head east across the water. natural land bridge Then the lake Heading to the waterfall

Use a sand jackle. Head up the mountain and look for a sand portal among the waterfalls. Use Jackal's stylish teleportation powers to blink into the cave containing the statue of Abaddon. Guild Wars 2The mustachioed god of lost secrets) stands watch. To the right of the statue is Node.

Domain of Wabbi – Sunspear Sanctuary

Two fertile nodes, northeast and southwest.

  • Recommended mount: Gryphon or Skyscale

This node is also more easily accessible. Spearmarshal's Plea gizmo, which can be obtained during missions to unlock the griffon. (Unfortunately, it cannot be retrieved again if it was previously destroyed.)


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If Spearmarshal's Plea isn't available, the best place to start is the Market Ruins Waypoint to the left of the Brand Scar, and from there to the Point of Interest. Spearmarshal's Lement This line can be found on the southern road at the southeastern end of the map.

Domain Of Vabbi – Necropolis at the base of the Crypt.

A well-protected spot at the bottom of a tar pit.

  • Recommended mount: Sand Jackal or Skyscale

For stealing the Orichalcum Ore in this location. We highly recommend skills that provide stealth. The fastest way is via the Necropolis Waypoint, heading into the enormous building to the southwest with the red dome.

Find the stairs down to the back. Beneath the spiral staircase is another entrance down to the focal point. The Crypts try to find the lowest point without drawing out the wrath of the dead. at the lowest part Down the ramp is a very powerful Awakened Abomination. Smuggling and intercepting minerals

Kourna's Domain – Dabiji Hollows (Living World Season 4, Episode 3)

At the top of Tippy Mountain in the desert

  • Recommended mount: Sprinkler or Skyscale

This place needs Guild Wars 2The episode “Living World Season 4”, Long Live The Lich, and its expansion “Path of Fire” pick up air from Dabjaji Waypoint and head into the mountains across the bridge.

After reaching the mountain Climb up to the left where a couple of vultures are perched. An abundant orihalcum node is on one of the small, high platforms. There were also plentiful mithril veins on nearby mountain peaks.

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