Best Feats for Warlocks in Baldur’s Gate 3


  • Moderately Armored boosts Warlock’s Armor Class with medium armor and shields, crucial for survival in intense battles.
  • Durable increases Constitution, allowing Warlocks to fully regain hit points after short rests for longevity in combat.
  • Ability Score Improvement in Charisma enhances attack rolls and spell save DC.

Baldur’s Gate 3
uses the same rules as Dungeons & Dragons
with each class suited to its own unique playstyle and abilities. Picking a poor Feat when the rare opportunity to learn one can be a grave mistake, especially when playing a class like Warlock, which might not be able to rely on brute strength to see them through.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Feats For Sorcerers, Ranked

From Actor to Magic Initiate, there are a bounty of solid feats to choose from for Sorcerers in Baldur’s Gate 3.

A Warlock will typically employ more strategy and long-term thinking to stretch those precious spell slots to their extreme. The right Feat can embolden this playstyle and make for an extremely fun Warlock experience in Baldur’s Gate 3. For those curious, here are the best Warlock feats to consider when leveling up.

Updated January 6th, 2025, by Kristy Ambrose: Warlocks are one of the easiest classes to play in Baldur’s Gate 3, thanks to their overpowered signature spell, Eldritch Blast
. Warlocks are Charisma-based, making them excellent at dialogue and an ideal party Face. It also makes them ideal for multiclass builds with other powerful classes like Paladins and Sorcerers. Feats are the cherry on top which players can choose to round out their builds and make the perfect Warlock.


Ritual Caster

More Utility Options

Baldur's Gate 3 casting speak with dead

  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes and allows the Warlock to learn two Ritual Spells

Ritual Spells are some of the most useful spells in Baldur’s Gate 3. Not because they do a lot of damage (they don’t) but because they offer a whole bunch of unique utility options and access to gameplay mechanics like talking to the dead that’s not available without them.

At least one member of a party should always have access to a few key Ritual Spells like Speak with Animal and Speak with Dead, and the Ritual Caster perk is an easy way to make it happen. Warlocks are excellent candidates for this as, since they’re a Charisma-based class, they can easily serve as face characters in any situation.


Moderately Armored

Toughen Up

Wyll in BG3

  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes and requires Light Armor Proficiency

By default, Warlocks will be proficient with light armor and will receive their Dexterity modifier as a bonus to their Armor Class. Whilst Warlocks are somewhat squishy characters, just like other spellcasters such as Sorcerers or Wizards, they might benefit from being in the heat of battle a little more.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Weapons For Wyll

Most of the best weapons for Wyll in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be obtained through his Companion quest; however players can get some through other means.

Warlocks cannot rely on their spells as much as other classes, with only 2 or 3 spell slots typically available. This makes Moderately Armored a great option for Warlocks, as it grants proficiency with both medium armor and shields, allowing them to get a nice little boost to their Armor Class.

Additionally, this feat increases Strength or Dexterity by one, which can provide even more Armor Class bonuses. This is a very slick Feat that will provide a pretty great benefit that pays off throughout the course of one’s playthrough.


Magic Initiate: Sorcerer

Also Uses Charisma

Sorcerers will gain the Shadow Magic subclass in Baldur's Gate 3, added in Patch 8

  • Stats: Learn 2 cantrips and 1 first level spell from the Sorcerer’s spellbook

There are several classes that also use Charisma as their spellcasting modifier, and for those working towards a spellcasting build, a Sorcerer is the best choice to combine with a Warlock. Acid Splash, Fire Bolt, and Burning Hands are just a few examples of the extra spells that become available, and Warlocks could always use a few extra slots.

The Sorcerer has innate spellcasting abilities that aren’t related to Intelligence, like the Wizard, or Wisdom, like the Cleric or Druid, similar to the Warlock’s adherence to a patron. Magic Initiate is a Feat that allows a character some multiclass-related abilities without the price or changes required for an official multiclass character, making it interesting for those thinking about a multiclass character based on a Warlock.



Get The Most Out Of Short Rests


  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes, and restores all hit points on one Short Rest.

Warlocks have a unique way of using their spell slots that sets them apart from other spellcasters. Sorcerers, Druids, Wizards, and Clerics get their spells replenished on a long rest. A Warlock, however, will regain expended spell slots after every short rest, meaning that they can dish out up to 9 fifth-level spells per every long rest, which can be especially useful.

This is where the Durable feat really shines, increasing Constitution by +1, which often means additional hitpoints across the lifespan of a character and allows them to fully regain all of their hit points after each Short Rest. This is a fantastic feat for a Warlock, as it ensures they’ll be fully rested and ready for battle after every Short Rest, which will give them some much-needed longevity in combat.


Ability Score Improvement

Improve Crucial Skills

A close up of Wyll the Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes boost a Warlock’s Charisma ability score

Getting that 20 in Charisma is absolutely critical when playing as a Warlock. The coveted +5 modifier will be an important factor in attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, and spell save DC. Unlike in the tabletop game, players can only give any individual core stat a maximum score of 17 in the character creator, which guarantees the need to throw a little investment into those core skills.


Baldur’s Gate 3: 15 Underrated Feats Players Should Get

Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with a wide array of feats. Here’s a look at some that are completely underrated and players should pick up.

The Ability Score Improvement feat allows players to increase one of their ability scores by two or two scores by one. It’s typically best to throw two extra points into Charisma, especially in the early game, as it will ensure those Eldritch Blasts are hitting their mark much more frequently. Furthermore, when it comes time to dish out spells like Banishment
or Hold Monster
, creatures are going to have a much harder time saving against a higher spell save DC.


Dual Wielder

Double The Item Buffs


  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes Dual Wield Weapons And Gain a +1 Bonus To Armor Class

There’s no shortage of powerful magic items available in Baldur’s Gate 3, and it can often leave players a little spoiled for choice. This is where the Dual Wielder feat comes in, as it allows players to take advantage of the magical properties of two weapons at once, which is a significant upgrade and offers increased flexibility during combat.

There are many staffs that allow the wielder to cast one spell per long rest, and allowing a Warlock to enter battle wielding two of these items can provide a pretty nifty buff. Warlocks will only get 3 spell slots at a time in Baldur’s Gate 3, meaning that they have to be much more selective and play a little more reserved with their magic.

This feat grants a Warlock the ability to cast an additional two leveled spells in combat if magic-infused items are being wielded, which represents a 50% increase for most of a Warlock’s career. The Dual Wielder feat also grants Warlocks a neat +1 bonus to their Armor Class if they are wielding a melee weapon in each hand, which is definitely not too shabby!



Maintain Concentration In The Heat Of Battle

How to Cancel Concentration Spells in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes, improves one Ability Score, and gains Proficiency in Saving Throws

The Resilient feat is a great option that combines very well with other feats like War Caster and paves the way for an unstoppable Warlock who is nigh-on immune to breaking their concentration. This feat allows the player to select one core skill and increase that ability score by one. It also grants proficiency in saving throws of that skill.

The optimal choice when playing as a Warlock would be Resilient: Constitution, with the +1 bonus potentially allowing for a greater health pool and a nice addition of a player’s proficiency bonus to Constitution and Concentration saving throws. This is essential to ensure that a Warlock’s limited spell slots aren’t going to waste and that their concentration can stand up to the harshest of punishments.


Mage Slayer

Come Out On Top Against Other Spellcasters


  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes, grants Advantage on Saving Throws against spells cast in melee range, and gives the Warlock
    Shocking Grasp

    As A Reaction

Warlocks work great as a hybrid class, as they will be useful both in physical combat and spellcasters. The Mage Slayer feat is a great way to ensure they can handle tricky enemies, especially those who might outclass a Warlock in terms of spellcasting ability. This feat grants Advantage on any saving throw against a magical effect if the caster is within melee range of the Warlock and allows the Warlock to attack them as a reaction.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Why D&D Games May Never Capture the Warlock Fantasy

Warlocks have a narrative flavor in Dungeons and Dragons that Baldur’s Gate 3 didn’t fully capture, but this might be impossible for any video game.

This provides a great way to quickly cut off a spellcaster’s power and stand up to their damage. Any enemy that is hit by the reaction attack will receive Disadvantage on their concentration saving throws, which is a great way to force enemies to burn through resources quickly, leaving them as easy targets.



Become Better At Dialogue Checks

Baldur's Gate 3 Bard during dialogue

  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes, increases Charisma by 1, and doubles Proficiency Bonus for Deception and Performance checks

Warlocks rely on their Charisma for everything. It’s the stat that governs all of their spellcasting, and what players should aim to increase first whenever possible. One of the ways to do that is through the Actor feat.

When taken, Actor increases Charisma by 1 and gives the character expertise in Deception and Performance checks, which is excellent for dialogue and out-of-combat dice rolls. The only caveat is that players cannot use Actor to push their Charisma over 20.


Spell Sniper

Improve Eldritch Blast

Someone about to cast Eldritch Blast

  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes, requires the ability to cast spells, and reduces the number needed for a Critical Hit by one.

Spell Sniper is a great feat that adds additional cantrips for Warlocks to make use of, but the extra cantrip is just one small part of what makes this feat such a great option for Warlocks. This feat also reduces the threshold required to land a critical hit when making an attack roll.


Dungeons & Dragons: Best Eldritch Invocations For Warlocks

When it comes to Warlocks in Dungeons & Dragons, the following Eldritch Invocations will help immensely.

Typically, a natural 20 is a critical hit, which represents just a 5% chance to deal double dice with a successful crit. With Spell Sniper, any attack roll that is 19 or 20 will become a critical hit, effectively doubling the chance to land them.

This is no small feat, and this effect can stack with other items or ability buffs that reduce the critical hit threshold. That makes this a must-have feat by the time Warlocks are dishing out 3 rays of Eldritch Blast on each turn.



Better Movement Options

baldurs gate 3 party gale astarion lae'zel

  • Stats: Movement speed increases by 10 feet, not hindered by Difficult Terrain, gets the passive ability Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack

Anything that gives a squishy caster more movement options is going to be handy. Warlocks are often in melee range as well, with a finesse weapon like a rapier or scimitar, which makes Mobile even more important for this class.

Difficult Terrain can include ice, mud, water, or thick plant life, and normally it slows a character down depending on how well they do on their Dexterity saving throws. This Feat allows the Warlock to move across Difficult Terrain unimpeded regardless of saving throws. The ability Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack allows the Warlock to move within melee range of an enemy without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.


War Caster

Replace Opportunity Attacks With Opportunity Spells

Baldur's Gate 3 Wyll

  • Stats: Unlocks at level 4 for all classes and grants Advantage on Concentration Saving Throws

War Caster is undoubtedly one of the most powerful feats that any spellcaster can learn in Baldur’s Gate 3. It grants Advantage on concentration saving throws, which is of the utmost importance to Warlocks who cannot afford to be wasting their spell slots.

This allows their limited spell slots to ultimately stretch much further and ensures they aren’t wasting critical Area of Effect or Control spells. Furthermore, this allows players to cast spells as a reaction, instead of making an opportunity attack. They can cast shocking grasp at any target leaving their melee range, which has the added bonus of potentially nullifying a target’s reactions, meaning that they won’t be able to take opportunity attacks themselves.

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Baldur’s Gate 3


August 3, 2023

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