The Jungle role is arguably the most unique in League of Legends with players engaging in PvE combat with Jungle monsters, instead of heading to lanes to farm minions. With how different the role is and how scary the Jungle can appear, it is no wonder newer players find the prospect of Jungling too daunting.

League of Legends: 7 Best Junglers, Ranked
Season 13 of League of Legends has seen drastic changes to the jungle, impacting the meta and introducing some new faces to the roster.
As with any experience in League of Legends though, the learning process can be streamlined with the help of useful tips, which, once taken on board, will help players realize just how fun Jungling can be.
Updated December 6, 2024 by Joe Grantham: League of Legends is a game with incredible depth, meaning new players taking their first steps in the Jungle have a myriad of things to learn about the role. Players who are gaining confidence in the Jungle also have plenty to learn and may have missed some vital tips and tricks in their introduction.
As with everything else in League of Legends, the Jungle is also constantly evolving, and the 2024 season has brought about changes to the objectives in the Baron Pit, which naturally affects junglers most. Junglers will also have to find new gank paths as there are significant changes to the map, especially around the entrances to lanes. Either way, those wondering how to play Jungle in LoL have come to the right place.
Practice Killing Jungle Monsters In A Safe Environment & Perfect Clears
- Respawn Jungle monsters on command for constant practice.
- Turn cooldowns and mana off to practice using abilities.
The Practice Tool available in League is exactly that, a tool that should be utilized. It provides players with a safe and controllable environment in which to practice a whole range of skills, which for Junglers includes clearing camps safely and efficiently.
While elite junglers spend plenty of time in the Practice Tool fully optimizing their clears, beginner Junglers should focus on getting used to fighting each unique camp of monsters and navigating to the next one. After clearing the entire jungle once, the player can then reset the game using the Practice Tool UI to go again immediately. As each champion clears differently, this tip can also be used when trying out new Junglers. Even pro Junglers use the Practice Tool to fully optimize their clears on each champion.
2 Focus On The Big Monsters
Killing The Big Monsters In A Camp Heals The Jungler & Eliminates The Biggest Threat
- Krugs, Wolves, and Raptors all have one monster that is bigger and deals more damage than the rest.
- Smite can only be used on these larger monsters and can come in clutch.
Certain jungle camps, namely Krugs, Raptors, and Murk Wolves contain multiple monsters that can all be killed for more gold and experience. However, the large monsters within each camp are the most important and should be focused for two main reasons.
First of all, when large monsters are killed, players receive a heal, which if low, can come in extremely useful. Secondly, if a player doesn’t have time to kill an entire camp before they are needed elsewhere, as long as the large monster is killed, the smaller ones will naturally die after a short amount of time. Although the player won’t get the extra gold, the camp will now level up and respawn in a few minutes, ensuring the player has a better farm in the future.
3 Trust Your Jungle Companion
Jungle Pets Will Finish Off Low Health Monsters
- Start walking away when a monster is one hit from death. The Jungle Companion will finish it off.
- This saves time so that players can move onto their next camp or gank.
Jungle Companions have one purpose and that is to help players farm the jungle. Anytime a champion attacks or is attacked by a jungle monster, their pet will strike back, healing the player for a portion of the damage dealt. With this consistent source of extra damage and healing, there is less to worry about when low on health.
Other than the main benefit of keeping Junglers’ health bars topped up, knowing exactly how companions work can be extremely useful. For example, the fact that a pet will attack two times after a player stops hitting a monster means that junglers can start walking to their next camp, trusting their pet to finish off low prey, which is more efficient.
4 Play Tanks And Other Easy Champions At First
Limiting The Variables Is The Easiest Way To Learn A New Role
- Tanks are less likely to get low or die while clearing the Jungle.
- Easy-to-use abilities or a familiar champion make learning the nuances of the Jungle easier.
Learning how to play Jungle is not easy in League of Legends, and like learning anything in the game, it is easier when fewer variables are changed. For this reason, it can be a good idea to play easy champions at first while learning how the jungle works.

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There are a lot of Champions to choose from in League of Legends but some of them can be quite annoying to play against.
Tanks with point-and-click-Crowd Control for example can be particularly easy, first of all because they are unlikely to die in the jungle even when invaded, and second of all because ganking becomes a lot more simple. Plenty of other easy junglers exist, and players might opt to play a champion they are familiar with from other roles, as long as they are viable in the jungle.
5 Learn Spawn Timers
Knowing Where To Be & When Is Key For Junglers
The jungle and the map as a whole are dictated by timers, and being aware of when camps or objectives are due to spawn will help in all games. First of all to be learned are the initial spawn timers, followed by how long they take to respawn after being killed, all of which are shown in the table below.
A lot of this information, especially for objectives and more important camps, can also be seen on the minimap or the scoreboard by pressing TAB. This is just one of the reasons why players should press TAB more in League.
Camp or Objective |
Initial Spawn Time |
Respawn Time |
Wolves and Raptors |
1:30 |
2:15 |
Krugs and Gromp |
1:42 |
2:15 |
Red and Blue Buff |
1:30 |
5:00 |
Scuttle Crab |
3:30 |
2:30 (after both are killed) |
Voidgrubs |
6:00 |
4:00 (once if killed before 9:45) |
Dragon |
5:00 |
5:00 |
Rift Herald |
14:00 |
N/A |
Baron |
20:00 |
6:00 |
Elder Dragon |
6:00 after a team claims four Dragons |
6:00 |
6 Identify Lanes To Gank
Enemies With No Mobility Or Summoner Spells Are Easiest To Gank
- Squishy champions with no dash abilities and their Flash on cooldown are easy pickings.
- Look for allies who have CC or a dash to set up or follow up on a gank.
Ganks are one of the best ways to snowball and get ahead, but identifying suitable targets can be tricky. The first thing to do is look for enemies that are either immobile, squishy, lacking Summoner Spells, or pushed up too far. Some champions also have annoying mechanics, such as Vladimir’s pool, which make them particularly hard to gank.
After finding an enemy who is susceptible to death, the next thing to consider is whether you and your teammate have the necessary catch potential, Crowd Control, and damage, to result in a successful gank. In the case of allies who have excellent gank setup, ideally lots of CC, even slippery opponents can be caught.
7 Don’t Gank Losing Lanes
Ganking Strong Enemies Often Backfires, Instead Play For Winning Lanes
- Don’t give a fed enemy an even bigger lead.
- The best case scenario is that the ally becomes less behind or even. This is not a win condition.
Part of the jungler’s job is to help their team and this help will often come in the form of ganks. The aim of most ganks is to either get kills or at least force enemies to use key summoner spells like Flash. Unless the enemy jungler or a roaming laner turns up for a counter-gank, a numbers advantage is made which usually results in success.
However, if a lane is already losing heavily, an attempted gank may turn south and potentially end in a double kill for the opponent. Instead, it is better to focus on winning or neutral lanes, which can provide win conditions for the team. Alternatively, if no lanes present welcoming opportunities or if the Jungler’s champion has good scaling, they can prioritize farming and securing objectives like Dragons.
8 Use A Sweeper When Ganking
Check Whether You Are On Vision Before Wasting A Gank
- Use the sweeper at the jungle entrances and in places that are often warded, such as the bushes.
- Clear the ward and back off if spotted. The enemy has been warned of the gank.
To get themselves or their teammates ahead, Junglers will want to attack and kill enemy laners but ganks generally only work if the target doesn’t know what is about to hit them.

League Of Legends: 7 Vision And Warding Tips
In League of Legends, knowing how to make full use of Vision and Wards is vitally important.
Other than avoiding natural pockets of vision like lanes, Junglers can switch out their own ward in the shop for an Oracle Lens, which can then be used to sweep bushes for enemy wards. This can be done for free and junglers will often start off the game with an Oracle Lens. Control Wards can also be bought and used for the same purpose, but note that only one can be placed on the map at any given time.
9 Surprise The Enemy With Lane Ganks
Ganks Don’t Always Have To Start In The Jungle, Players Can Instead Approach From The Lane
- Walk into the lane when the enemy and their minions aren’t present.
- Hide in the lane bushes or alcoves and wait for them to overstep.
When players imagine a gank, they picture the Jungler approaching from the river or an entrance to the jungle. However, this does not have to be the case, as Junglers can walk into the lane when it is pushed into the enemy tower, meaning there are no opposing minions to give vision. From here they could wait in the lane bushes or alcoves. When the enemy proceeds to push the wave back, lower elo players in particular will not expect the Jungler to jump on them from such a position.
Some Junglers with either lots of dashes or high movement speed, such as Hecarim, can even just run down the lane to begin with and catch up to immobile targets. Lane ganks can also be used defensively. For example, if an ally lane looks like it’s in danger, perhaps because they are low on health or without a Flash, players can hover around their tower just out of vision to see if the enemy Jungler appears. They could also wait in the lane bushes of Top and Bot Lane for the same effect.
10 Save Your Smite For Dragon & Other Objectives
Smite Is Used To Secure The Kill On These Objectives
One of the Jungler’s many responsibilities in League is to take neutral objectives such as the Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron. They do so not only because they don’t have lanes to farm and turrets to protect, but also because they are the ones with the Smite Summoner Spell. Smite is capable of dealing a large burst of true damage, meaning that if a dragon is at 590 HP and the Smite currently deals 600 damage, the Jungler will secure the objective for their team.
Timing Smites isn’t as easy at that, however, especially when the enemy Jungler is contesting. Nevertheless, all beginners need to know is to save their Smite if they know they will be doing an objective soon. Simultaneously, this doesn’t mean they should never Smite Jungle monsters, as it has two charges and there are times when no objective is up.
11 Enemy Jungler Top? Take Dragon
Trading Objectives Is A Safe Way To Stay Even
- With the enemy’s only Smite top, this is generally the safest time to secure Dragon.
- This also applies the other way around. If the Jungler is in the bottom half of the map, take Voidgrubs or Rift Herald.
Knowing when to take Dragons can be difficult for beginner junglers, and as no situation within a game of League of Legends will ever be the same, it is a skill that simply requires experience. That being said, if the enemy Jungler appears in the top lane, for example, the Dragon on the bot side should be relatively easy to secure.
Alternatively, if the enemy Jungler or their team is ever spotted doing the Dragon and you can’t contest, now is the perfect time to take the Voidgrubs or Rift Herald if it has spawned. However, players will still need to take the relevant lanes into account for either objective. In other words, if your laners are dead or back in base and the enemy is pushed up in mid and bot, now would be a risky time to attempt the Dragon, even with the enemy Jungler topside.
12 Understand How Each Dragon Fights
Some Dragons Deal More Damage Or Attack Faster, While Others Deal AOE Damage
- Cloud Dragon: Quickly attacks a single target but with low damage.
- Infernal Dragon: Moderate attack speed and AOE damage.
- Ocean Dragon: Moderate attack speed and single-target damage that applies a slow.
- Mountain Dragon: Has high resistances, and attacks a single target very slowly but with high damage.
- Hextech Dragon: Fairly high attack speed with low single-target damage, but periodically slows enemies in a chain.
- Chemtech Dragon: Moderate single-target damage, but it gets stronger as it loses health.
While every player needs to know about the rewards for killing each of the Elemental Dragons in League, the Jungler, most of all, should also learn everything there is to know about fighting them. This is because not every Dragon fights in the same way, and players should adapt and make decisions based on which Dragon they are attempting to slay. In some situations, it might even be best to avoid fighting a certain Dragon.
For example, as detailed above, both the Infernal and Chemtech Dragons can damage multiple enemies with their attacks, so Junglers should be careful to position away from their allies when tanking the Dragon. Additionally, if their current Jungle champion doesn’t do much damage, they will want to consider waiting for help to take down the Mountain Dragon, who is much tankier than the rest. Players should be even more careful if the enemy is close when fighting the Ocean or Hextech Dragons, as their slows can enable the other team to pounce.
13 Understand How Voidgrubs Work
The Newest Objective Offers An Incremental Buff
- Junglers with AOE damage have an easier time killing Voidgrubs.
- Even killing one or two Voidgrubs is useful, especially as it denies the enemy more power.
Replacing the first Rift Herald, Voidgrubs are the latest neutral objective to land on Summoner’s Rift, and how they work isn’t at first apparent to new players. At the 6-minute mark, three Voidgrubs spawn and when any one of them is attacked, they will all spawn small Voidmites and attack in unison. When a Voidgrub dies, any remaining grubs gain a shield, so players should always be ready for this. If all three are killed before the 9:45 minute mark, then three more will spawn after four minutes.
For each Voidgrub slain, up to a total of six, the entire team gains a permanent incremental buff that makes attacks burn structures for extra damage. However, if a team can kill four or more Voidgrubs, then those tiny Voidmites will also spawn and run at structures for even more damage. This means that sometimes even just killing three Voidgrubs is good, as it denies the enemy team any chance of killing at least four. The first Voidgrub killed also gives a lot of XP, making it a worthwhile investment for junglers who want to reach level 6 quickly.
14 Play On Mute
Junglers Often Get Blamed For Everything
- Communicate with pings for a more efficient and less toxic time.
- 95% of what random teammates have to say is useless and distracting.
Due to the ability to influence every part of the map, Jungle is regarded as one of the most important roles in League. The downside to such potential power is that teammates tend to have unrealistic expectations of their Jungler, so when things go wrong, they are often the first to be blamed.
As such, it is a good idea to mute the chat and focus on the game, and if players get aggressive with their pings too, these can be muted as well. Thankfully for players starting in League, the chat is now set to off as a default, so new players might not even have to change anything. As with climbing in any competitive team game, having a good mentality is key, and players should use every tool in the box to avoid toxicity.
15 Take Lane Farm When Nobody Else Can
Gold & XP Is Always Good
- Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that Junglers can only kill monsters and not minions.
- If minions are going to die to a tower, it’s better for the Jungler to get gold and XP.
Some players new to the Jungle role can fall into the trap of thinking that lane minions are no longer for them, and while this is true most of the time, there are situations where it is not only okay to take the farm, but beneficial.
For example, any time there are minions that will die to the tower and no ally is around to take them because they are dead or elsewhere on the map, then take the farm. Additionally, if you gank a lane and both the enemy and your ally die, then it can often be a good idea to push the wave into the enemy tower, as this will deny the enemy and reset the wave. This is a good tip for laners, too.
16 Start Topside To Surprise Enemies With A Botside Gank
Most Beginner Bot Laners Won’t Expect An Early Gank
- Clear the topside of the Jungle, then the bottom side, before performing a surprise Bot Lane gank.
- This is also a great way to secure a Scuttle Crab in the bottom river instead of fighting for the topside crab.
Most beginner Junglers will start on the bot side of the map for the simple reason that two allies from Bot Lane can help out with the first camp, rather than just their Top Laner if they start on the top side. While sticking to bot side starts might be recommended at first though, players wanting to take their jungle skills that next step further might consider sometimes starting top side.

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While skins can be bought with money in League of Legends, some can be obtained for free through various methods.
Doing so will enable them to surprise the enemy Bot Lane by pathing down. If players aren’t looking to gank, this might still secure them an easy bottom Scuttle Crab, as their opposing Jungler is likely pathing up for the top side crab.
17 If Monsters Scare You, Play Ivern
Ivern Doesn’t Fight Monsters, Making Him Easy For Beginners
- Ivern clicks on monsters and loses a set amount of health and mana.
- Ivern is great for players transitioning from Support to Jungle, as he’s an enchanter.
For players who find the prospect of fighting jungle monsters too daunting, there is always League’s friendliest tree, Ivern. Instead of fighting and killing his forest friends, Ivern simply clicks on the camps and frees them in return for gold and experience.
Each time Ivern takes a camp he sacrifices a set amount of HP and mana, and if he doesn’t have enough the action cannot be completed, meaning players will never die from simply farming. Besides providing an easier way to farm the jungle, Ivern is also the only enchanter Jungler, offering players a more supportive way to play the role. He is the perfect answer for those wondering how to jungle in LoL.

- Released
- October 27, 2009