All risky photo solutions in Infinity Nikki

in Infinity NikkiThere are countless creatures and scenes to capture stunning photos, from the bizarre WIshing Woods to the coast along Breezy Meadow and beyond. You'll never stop discovering new things in Miraland with Nikki and Momo. There's always an adventure.


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This magical world is not without danger. And there are those who want to study the phenomena surrounding darkness and the essences within it. Here's everything you need to know about risky photography. and photos you need to complete these missions and earn rewards to upgrade your camera!

Risky shooting missions in fresh and refreshing meadows.

Photographer Syfdent talks to Nikki and Momo about war and darkness.

In Florawish and Breezy Meadow you will meet an aspiring photographer named Syfdent who is in need of help. Take a photo of EsselingAnd Nikki was the perfect stylist to reach out to.

Nikki doesn't have to be in the photos for them to count!

You will receive rewards for each risky photo you take for Syfdent. Ten diamonds and three upgrade packs for the camera.– Below are each mission that Syfdent needs help with and how you can do it. Get the perfect picture For photos:

Risky Shooting: Quest Sad Sack

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Sleeping Sad Sack

Just north of Florawish Outside the Dream Warehouse Tower To the west there is a slope leading to the ground. The sad sack is sleeping. In the shadows when you Talk to the Civic Above he asks you Capture close-up photos Esseling's

There are other Sad Sacks in the area and you can take pictures of them too!

Jump down carefully and Turn on your cameraEsseling was then photographed. Once you have the photo, Momo will remind you to return to Syfdent and provide the photo.

Risky Shooting: Greedy Bag Mission

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Greedy bag running away from Nikki.

after that Meet the Civic on the bridge. Before crossing into Stoneville, on this small bridge, Syfdent will talk to you. Catch the greedy bag while running away

You have to be quick like that. Greedy Pouch moves quickly.– Get close enough to startle Esseling. Then take pictures as it runs away. As long as The camera recognizes Greedy Pouch as being in the image.It will count!

Return to the Civic with pictures to collect your prizes

Risky Shooting: Jelly Bag Mission

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Three Sleeping Jellyfish Bags

Next, Syfdent can be found in Ruins northwest of Relic Hill– Here he asks you to take Photo of three jelly bags In a nearby ruined tower

if you stand in the middle of an open windowYou can take perfect photos of all three bags while being careful. Position Nikki to avoid damage.– Make sure there is Three gold boxes in a frame Before taking a photo, show it to Syfdent!

Risky Shooting: Octopack Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Octopack Attacks in the Jungle

The next quest will find Syfdent. South of Memorial Mountain– Off the main route, passing the pavilion, Security will request Photo of Octopack shooting you marbles.

You should Take damage while attempting this shot.So you want to move quickly. If you Position yourself behind a nearby tree. While keeping Esseling's distance, you can have the Octopack attack while avoiding damage. Use your camera to Take a photo and leave. From there!

Risky Shooting: Sankious Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Jump happily towards Nikki.

West of the pier In Breezy Meadow you will meet Syfdent again on a small bridge. This time he wants Photo of Sankious in mid-airjumping towards you This is tricky. Because the camera takes a while to load and this stuff can move quickly.

Get Sankious' attention then ran out Pull out the camera and Take a quick photo. before going as far as possible Or you can always purify Esseling as long as you understand the picture.

Risky Shooting: Sssack Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Nikki Loses Sssack's Attention

next, By the camp of abandoned aspirantsSyfdent has another request to make for you. He wants a Image of Sssack losing his target at night.

To get Sssack's attention, move closer. Run behind cover. Take out your camera and get ready. Capture the moment when Sssack looks confused.– Take that picture. Return to the Civic for your return

Risky Shooting: Bouldy Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Close-up of Bouldy

Syfdent's final request is for a close-up photo of Bouldy, a chiseled stone monster. You can find Syfdent outside the Florawish Stylist's Guild, and you'll need it. kingdom of darkness at the top of the warp to get a good look at the target.

As the security mentioned Shot by Boldy His fist slammed down. You just need to be close to Bouldy, you don't need to be next to him. Esseling for photography Use the camera to zoom in. and got the picture and then left and Let Syfdent view the final photo.

All Stonewoods Risky Shooting Missions

Alfred moaned about how much Esseling was hurting.

You'll be in the Stonewoods, from Stoneville to the Abandoned District. Work with Alfred walking slowly. To take pictures of Esseling at risk Below are all the missions he has for you and how to complete them:

Each mission will reward you with rewards. Ten diamonds and three upgrade packs!

Risky Shooting: Bitey Bag Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Bitey Bag in the Rain

The first place you'll find Slow-Walking Alfred is Southwest of the dyeing factory.– This is probably one of the hardest photos you'll take while Bitey Bags are nearby. Wait until it rains.

You can try entering and exiting again until it rains or the time changes. There is no guaranteed way to change the climate.

When it starts to rain Take out the camera And don't forget to take a quick photo of Esseling. keep your distance So Bitey Bag can't see you, so show Alfred this picture!

Risky Shooting: Hard Sack Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Hard Sack

next, Climb up the steel rock to the northwest. From the dyeing workshop Alfred had one more request to make. This time he wanted Picture of Hard Sack looking directly at Nikki.

easily Wait for Esseling to spin. in your own way and take pictures You can get close if you want. But you risk getting damaged. Once you have the photos Gave it to Alfred who walked slowly. For your reward!

Risky Shooting: Radical Octopack Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Radical Octopack at Dusk

In the abandoned area, you will Find Alfred again in the gold fields.– South of the Warp Peak He wants you to take pictures. Radical Octopack's Shooting Essence Orb at Dusk

Wait until the right time of day. Then descend the edge of the rock tree to find an Esseling.

You need to get attention and Take a photo when it attacks. Nikki. This is difficult. Because damage will cause the camera to move away. Find cover or get out of the way. Before taking the picture, he showed it to Alfred.

Risky Shooting: Caged Greed Mission

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Shot of a spinning Caged Greed.

The final mission Alfred wants you to complete. Meet him at the top of Stone Crown.– He wants the image of Caged Greed boss to spin quickly while chasing Nikki.

To get this picture Head down the ramp to the top, then attack Caged Greed twice. Don't hit it a third time until you get the shot like it will. Entering the chaos When its health is low

You can also try getting close at first. Then run away to force Caged Greed to close the distance.

take a photo And finish the boss? Head back down to Alfred. To complete this risky photography mission.

All Wishing Woods Risky Shooting Missions

Mamoda asks Nikki to take a photo of the shark trap.

In the forest of desires you will Meet the delightful little Faewish Sprite. Named Mamoda, they need Nikki's help to Take a photo of Esseling throughout the region so that they can study

Below are all the missions Mamoda has for you, and how to complete them!

Each mission will reward you with rewards. Ten diamonds and three upgrade kits When finished!

Risky Shooting: Trick-O-Bag Mission

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Trock-O-Bag falls asleep

Mamoda's first mission is simple: take a photo of a sleeping Trick-o-Bag. You will Look for Mamoda near the farm. By Timis's Beauty Lab and desired esseling not far from there.

Keep your distance while approaching and Use the zoom feature on your camera. to take pictures of the sleeping Esseling Once you have the photos Take it to Mamoda. To show them!

Risky Shooting: Shark Trap Matching Mission

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Two shark traps in a row

Next, meet Mamoda. By the hopeless glass warehouse– This time they wanted a picture of two trap sharks next to each other. Luckily, there was a couple in the nearby forest.

again, Use the zoom feature on your camera to get better pictures without disturbing the couple. Go back and show Mamoda. picture

Risky Shooting: Stunningly Intense Sssack Mission

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Two fierce sssacks stunned

For Mamoda's next request, they will ask you to take a photo. Two stunned Harsh Sssacks near the Swordsmith's Ruins.– Fortunately, there is Windaze Bloom next to the Esselings in the riverside area. So you can Attack trees to stun enemies.

Fierce Sssacks Won't stay in a daze for long.So act quickly!

When they were stunned Turn on your camera and take pictures of them Bring it back to Mamoda. To show them what Esseling looked like.

Risky Shooting: Chigda Quest

Infinity Nikki Risky Photo Solution - Shot of Chigda's damaged form attacking Nikki with thorny vines.

Mamoda has one last request for you. Meet them at the Grand Millevich Tree.– The final risky photo involves Taking photos of Wishmaster Chigda In his damaged form

You will need to do this. Take the Kingdom of Progress to challenge Jigda again Waiting for Jikda to stab the roots into the ground. and attacks with thorns before taking out the camera

If you receive damage The camera will be put away. So you have to be careful when taking pictures.

Once you receive the photos, you can End the battle or leave.– After you go out Come back to Mamoda. to display images and complete missions


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Look at those color samples!

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