All formats of Luffy ranking by design


  • The new design of the Luffy in one piece helps to strengthen his uniqueness.

  • Some changes such as Nightmare Luffy and Gear 4 Boundce Man stand out for a scary and powerful appearance.

  • Luffy's Gear 5 design, which is recommended in the fight with Kaido, is creative, inspiring and keeping his strange personality.

Because Luffy can twist and twist his body in a way that he can imagine. Thank you. His demon fruit means that he can especially created when assuming that a new style that helps to strengthen his strength and durability in fight It was a great time in the anime and manga community when Luffy released a new style. But while it is easy to focus on their strength and new ability. Their designs go far in making these changes memorable and unique.

The author Eiichiro Oda made a remarkable food for many forms of Luffy throughout. One -piece The story. They are all different in terms of details and quality. Overall, some people are outstanding than others. Gear 5 is now permanently added to the luffy of Power Ups. Suitable to reflect each of these forms from strict views to see that Luffy looks the best.


One Piece: The best character to sail with straw hats.

Many characters have traveled beside the pirates, straw hats. This is the best character.


Nightmare Luffy

The evil appearance shows only one fight.

  • First appearance: part 370

Nightmare Luffy is a form that appears only one time during the violent fight of the protagonist with Gecko Moria, a member of Shichibukai, who is lazy to increase enough to use the giant that is known to the Moria. Name Orz Jr., Luffy absorbs hundreds of shadows His entire body grew into the proportion of the cartoon and his skin changed to blue to refer to the classic Franken Einstein monster.

It feels like Oda may have a more terrifying reference in this design. But still a unique look for Luffy It is truly dangerous due to its size, along with a randy face that has never been left from Luffy's face. Adding a sword at the back of the luffy is a good touch with a strap that stretches all over the chest, making him look like a true adventurer.


Gear 3

Basic format But memorable that Luffy expressed his creativity

  • First appearance: Episode 304

When Luffy began to blow his finger, it was a sign that the opponent should start to prepare a escape plan because it was a sign that he was about to release the destroyer gear. 3. Gear 3 is unbelievably strong and can damage. Seriously for Rob Luci, but from the view of the ODA, decided to make this style good and simple.


One Piece: 8 The best straw hat style designed to rank.

Some members of the crew, the straw hat has received a new style throughout their adventures. These are one of the best in terms of overall design.

Luffy's hand blowing to the point of shaking is a fun way to show the potential of his tires. It also shows his creativity in the ability to think in a trial that can be completed without flashy or superior.


4 tank gear format

Hilarious tank style But this formidable makes Luffy's defense

  • First appearance: Episode 806

Luffy experimented with his Gear 4 mode so much that he was able to separate it into many sub -formats, one of them as his protection form. When using this technique, Luffy will expand until he becomes a giant round ball. Increasing the red flame of Haki to his body makes him look more like a fire ball, making the design strange but interesting.

Many fans appreciate this format as one of the few people who show Luffy's Gooffy. He shows more joy while still emphasizing his basic power. Luffy may not throw this form. Go a lot today But it still makes people blow out when they appear to the crackers for the first time.


Gear 2

Luffy's first true power of Luffy brings small images. But effective

  • First appearance: Episode 272

While Gear 2 does not change the look of too much luffy, the small increase in small, such as the red -boiling skin of the Luffy and the steam that comes out of his body, representing the great strength of this pirate. Perfectly When assuming that this form, Luffy often looks at his face seriously on his face and increasing the intimidation factors. This is one of many reasons that cause symbolic changes.

The steam that increases from the Luffy's body in Gear 2 is a fragile but easy way to emphasize the power of Luffy to the surface, causing fear in the eyes of everyone who is unfortunate enough to stand against him.


Gear 4 Boundman

Full of cool details

  • First appearance: Episode 726

When Luffy was pushed for him to have a terrifying Chibuki known as Doflamingo, he revealed the equipment that has been waiting for 4; Especially his boundaries This form makes all the fans surprised not only But strength But also the design With his large arms covered in black and red, Haki and his chest wider with the red light in his neck. Luffy looks like this style.


8 The most terrifying change in Dragon Ball

Changes have the same meaning as Dragon Ball, and while many people have an unbelievably epic, some are scary.

This is not the only time that Luffy uses a boundman in this matter, which is reasonable when considering how much his overall speed increases, allowing him to run even the hardest opponent. From the design perspective, it is one of the best and most well -known Luffy in all of his changes.


Gear 4 Snakeman

Including the strength with speed, resulting in great design

  • First appearance: Episode 870

If Luffy is looking for a little speed and accuracy to his attack, he can receive Snakeman. This form saw him thinner while still maintaining the great strength proposed by Bounce Man as a result. His arms are still covered with dark red Haki, but once the change is clearly seen, Luffy's hair, which began to float in the air, showing how he has light and agile.

Gear 4 Snakeman felt like the most like Luffy that has ever been watched before. Gear 5 revealed is one of the most outstanding times of the story after the story. It was an unbelievable design that operates well in making Luffy look so scary that even Katakuri was shocked.


Gear 5

Sufficient changes about Luffy's appearance while maintaining the main features.

  • First appearance: Episode 1072

Gear 5, which has been predicted violently, does not disappoint when the first comes during the final confrontation of Luffy and Kaido. But creative, which enters the stupid and fun personality of Luffy. Luffy's hair turns white and has a shaped shaped in the shape of a white circle around his body. That has all the power

While Luffy's appearance has been overhauling quite a lot, he still maintains his important qualities to remind the fans that he is still the core of change – especially a magical smile, which is wider than usual. There is no doubt that despite this introduction, Gear 5 is remembered as one of the most interesting and creative designs in the series.


One -piece

Release date

20 October 1999


Fuji TV

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